Business Coaching Blog

It’s Ok To Be Tired; Just Don’t Be Defeated.

"It’s ok to be tired; just don’t be defeated." With the world today, everyone is tired, overwhelmed, and anxious. If you listen to the news, the world is ending. Billy Joel said it right, “We didn’t start the fire. It’s been burning since the world been turning.” The cure for worry is intentional action! Please turn off the news; they [...]

2022-03-17T14:05:29-04:00Business Blog|

I’m Not Too Fond Of Time Management, And Neither Are You

"I’m not too fond of time management, and neither are you" Time management implies restriction, and there is nothing an entrepreneur hates more than limitations. Time management is a go-to cure-all but seldom works in the real world. Focus on Timed results instead. If you want an entrepreneurial organization full of thinking, professionals remove the confinement of time management and [...]

2022-03-17T13:59:33-04:00Business Blog|

Beware Of The “Nice Guy Syndrome”

"Beware Of The “Nice Guy Syndrome”" I have found that many small companies suffer from what I have come to call “Nice GUY Syndrome.” Keeping employees that have long ago lost their value to the organization, supporting family members to the detriment of the firm, giving to charity, carrying A/R long past terms just because you can, etc. You know [...]

2022-03-17T13:53:11-04:00Business Blog|

Leadership Is The Transference Of Certainty

"Leadership is the transference of certainty." As the leader of your organization, you have to make a choice. That choice is about how you will lead. Do you want to be the “Boss” always laying down the law and demanding respect? I call this the “I” of the universe. I said it, so do it. You can get results this [...]

2022-03-17T13:50:12-04:00Business Blog|

Focus On More Transactions With Existing Clients First

"If you want to grow your company, focus on more transactions with existing clients first." Everyone loves a new customer. We are programmed to look for more of everything, food, drinks, fun, and life. This drive for something new is a significant issue for your company’s health. It takes a lot more money to attract and convert a new client [...]

2022-03-17T13:43:43-04:00Business Blog|

“Who Is Not My Customer?”

"A better question than “Who is my customer?” is “Who is not my customer?”" Strategy begins by asking the right questions, and the most important question of all is, “Who is not my customer?” Why ask that question? It is easier to identify who is not than who is. Once you can see who is not a fit for your [...]

2022-03-17T13:35:26-04:00Business Blog|

“Sales Is Vanity – Profit Is Sanity.”

"Sales is vanity – profit is sanity" There is a unique balance between sales, operation, and money. They exist separately yet together, move one, and the rest move as well. If you want to scale your business – know this, it will suck cash! Clients always tell me they want to grow, which is natural. All things grow. The critical [...]

2022-03-17T13:30:30-04:00Business Blog|
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