Business Coaching Blog

“Who Is Not My Customer?”

"A better question than “Who is my customer?” is “Who is not my customer?”" Strategy begins by asking the right questions, and the most important question of all is, “Who is not my customer?” Why ask that question? It is easier to identify who is not than who is. Once you can see who is not a fit for your [...]

2022-03-17T13:35:26-04:00Business Blog|

“Sales Is Vanity – Profit Is Sanity.”

"Sales is vanity – profit is sanity" There is a unique balance between sales, operation, and money. They exist separately yet together, move one, and the rest move as well. If you want to scale your business – know this, it will suck cash! Clients always tell me they want to grow, which is natural. All things grow. The critical [...]

2022-03-17T13:30:30-04:00Business Blog|

Where Is The Money?

"Where is the money?" Once, I had a client call me in because they couldn’t pay their bills on time. When I first met with them, the accountant was in the room just finishing up his work. He turned to the owner and said, “You had a good month; you made $42,000” The owner was thrilled. I turned and asked [...]

2022-03-17T13:25:16-04:00Business Blog|

Do You Struggle With The Daddy – Daddy Syndrome?

"Do you struggle with the Daddy – Daddy syndrome?" Do employees come up to you all day asking questions, sharing events, and interrupting your thoughts? I call this the Daddy–Daddy syndrome. Daddy, this happened; what should I do? I know it’s sarcastic, but you know it happens all the time. You also know you like it, why, because you feel [...]

2022-03-17T13:20:04-04:00Business Blog|

Why Is “Simple” So Hard?

"Why is “simple” so hard?" Ever wonder why some people can accomplish so much in the same amount of time? Distractions are the core reason we struggle to finish what we start in business and life. Distractions will never go away; the trick is creating a firm “Intention” and attaching a time to complete. Don’t beat yourself up for occasional [...]

2022-03-17T13:03:55-04:00Business Blog|

Is this how your company runs?

"Systems run the business; people run the systems, and Managers manage the exceptions – Is this how your company runs?" Business is a game, and games have rules and a way to win. As business owners, we too often forget this and take things personally. Emotions replace logic, and instead of growing, we decide to shrink back to where we [...]

2022-03-17T12:59:37-04:00Business Blog|

Should Your Kids Be Brought Into The Business?

"Should your kids be brought into the business?" Only if they have a vision for the company’s future; if not, let them go into the “real world” for a while. We all want the best for our children, and because we love them, we fall into the trap of overlooking their limitations and personal needs. Most family businesses never make [...]

2022-03-17T12:53:25-04:00Business Blog|
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