Business Coaching Blog

Registering a Business in New Jersey

The first step to starting a business is registering it. In New Jersey, business registration is a requirement, just like in any other state. But if you’ve never registered a business in New Jersey before, or anywhere else, you may not know how to begin. What does a business registration application in NJ look like? Where do you get an [...]

2021-06-21T09:37:45-04:00Business Coaching|

Small Business Taxes for New York Companies

Opening a business in New York is great, but unfortunately, you may have some complicated tax issues to deal with. Here’s what you need to know about small business taxes in New York. Contact Coach Firm   What Amount of Business Income Is Taxable in New York State? The amount of your business income that is taxable will depend in [...]

2021-06-21T10:05:45-04:00Business Coaching|

Small Business Grants for Startups

You have a great idea for a business and are ready to put it into action. You only need one thing, but it’s a big one: more capital. There are a few ways to get money for your business. You can borrow it, but you will have to find lending sources, and debt can put a strain on a new [...]

2021-06-21T09:38:34-04:00Business Coaching|

How to Get a Small Business License in PA

If you have decided to start a business in PA, congratulations! Pennsylvania is an exciting state with plenty of opportunities. Before you can get your business going, however, you will need to obtain a business license. What Is a PA Business License? In this case, by a PA business license, we mean proof that you have registered your business in [...]

2021-06-21T09:37:33-04:00Business Coaching|

How to Scale a Business

The notion of scaling a business has firmly established itself in today’s business lexicon. And that’s understandable, since most business owners dream of growing their business from the first day they open their doors. But what’s actually meant by scaling up a business? If you gain a new client or offer a new product that requires you to hire more [...]

2021-06-21T10:26:05-04:00Business Blog|

How to Navigate the Construction Industry’s Skills Shortage

The building industry is experiencing a boom in spending while simultaneously being faced with construction skills shortages in the tightest labor pool in recent history. To put the issue into perspective, the National Association of Home Buildersreported that in 2017, the availability and cost of labor was ranked as the number one concern by 82 percent of our nation’s home [...]

2021-06-21T10:25:20-04:00Business Blog|

Determining If Your Business Is Scalable

Like the majority of small business owners, you started with a great idea and built it into a small business. And it’s an exciting experience to see an idea grow into a successful business model. But are you ready for growth and all the challenges that business scalability brings with it? Contact Coach Firm   According to the Small Business [...]

2021-06-21T10:23:24-04:00Business Blog|

How Cognitive Bias Can Impact Business Decisions

Business leaders who have great track records of successful initiatives are frequently called visionaries. Their ideas are often the results of strongly held beliefs and thought processes that form the leaders’ cognitive perception of the world, markets and business opportunities. But as we all know, not every business decision meets with success. At the same time, no business leader sets [...]

2019-03-21T15:52:17-04:00Business Blog|

Five Ways to Improve Liquidity Ratios

One thing that many businesses look for in their efforts to grow and succeed is an improvement in liquidity ratios. What is business liquidity and how can you improve it? Contact CoachFirm   What Is Liquidity? Liquidity refers to your business’ ability to access enough cash to pay off any immediate or short-term — within a year or less — [...]

2021-06-21T10:32:56-04:00Business Blog|

Business Contracts & Agreements for Small Businesses

No business can function without dealing with contracts, but what exactly do you need to know about small business contracts? You might be wondering which contracts and legal documents you'll need to start your business, as well as the kind of contracts you might have to deal with on a regular basis. What are the types of business contracts you [...]

2019-02-20T12:32:15-05:00Business Blog|
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