Business Coaching Blog

Lessons I Learned From Kim Kardashian

Tips From Influencers Today we’ll talk about shameless self-promotion. That’s right, I said it…shameless! After all, we are learning from Kim Kardashian here. It comes in many forms and you can use different tactics to get your name out there. Look at politicians! Talk about self-promotion, and in some not so discreet ways, at that. But, seriously, consider some of the [...]

Get Unstuck…Right Now!

Why do individuals and corporations wake up one day stuck? You know how it is—feeling “burnt out.” What’s the point—it’s just another day of the same people and money issues, and nothing is really going to change. Where is the passion? Where is the focus, the dream, vision, determination, and excitement? They have been replaced with the all-powerful overwhelmed feeling [...]

One of the most important questions for your business!

“What is the single most compelling reason why your customer will choose your company over the competition?”  If you can’t immediately answer this question, then your company has no position. It is simply just another supplier! The holy grail of marketing and business is the ability to create a position in the mind of your most probable consumer. Your point [...]

What happened to the passion?

When you went into business, you had an idea. It might have been as simple as, “I want to be my own boss,” or, “I want to be rich.” Perhaps you saw an opportunity in the marketplace where you wanted to improve something. Think back to that time. What was your reason for taking the risk of starting your own [...]

Consider This Before Planning a New Marketing Strategy

How New Strategies Lose Steam Every company craves new ideas for building its business and attracting customers. The management of companies attends seminars, hires consultants and employs sales trainers, who mistakenly believe that more and better information is what the business needs. This is a core mistake and is often a huge waste of time and resources. There is an [...]

Do Your Goals Ever Get Past The Strategy Stage?

People love to talk about new ideas. In fact, every January 1st people all over the world sit down and write out “resolutions,” things they are going to change or improve in the new year, and most companies do exactly the same thing. The problem with this exercise is it has no meaning. Everyone has the same strategy. Personal resolutions [...]

Beware The Business Zombie

Disconnected Employees Although thought of as the stuff of science fiction, zombies are alive and well in most small businesses, especially in times of crisis. Employees emotionally disconnected to a vision seek only the peace found in knowing that tomorrow will simply be a repeat of today. Their focus is completely on getting through the eight hours under the radar. [...]

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