Business Coaching Blog

Do Your Goals Ever Get Past The Strategy Stage?

People love to talk about new ideas. In fact, every January 1st people all over the world sit down and write out “resolutions,” things they are going to change or improve in the new year, and most companies do exactly the same thing. The problem with this exercise is it has no meaning. Everyone has the same strategy. Personal resolutions [...]

Beware The Business Zombie

Disconnected Employees Although thought of as the stuff of science fiction, zombies are alive and well in most small businesses, especially in times of crisis. Employees emotionally disconnected to a vision seek only the peace found in knowing that tomorrow will simply be a repeat of today. Their focus is completely on getting through the eight hours under the radar. [...]

Protect Your Business

The best way to protect your company is to remember that you are not your business. Your enterprise is a separate living entity with a life and needs of its own, many of which you may not totally understand right now. Your responsibility to this living entity is very similar to the role you would play as a parent of [...]

Courting Customers Feels Like Speed Dating

You know that it’s true. Today’s customer has the internet at their fingertips with their hands full of what you want—cash. How cheap and how fast can you deliver whatever product or service it is that they need or want? It seems that this is the only set of questions that matter to the consumers willing to part with their [...]

2018-10-16T16:16:06-04:00Small Business|

Beware the Seduction of Social Media

As I sit down to write this article, I know that some people may label me as a heretic. After all, Social Media is everywhere and it is transforming the world as we speak – right? We have all heard about unknowns who developed and marketed a persona on the Internet and now have a ton of followers, followers of [...]

The Legend of Cash Mountain

Let me share a little story; no, it is more of a legend than a story because if you dig deep enough there is always some truth to every legend. This one is called The Legend of Cash Mountain. Every business owner, either consciously or subconsciously, has had a relationship with Cash Mountain. We all believed, at some point, that [...]

2021-06-21T11:00:35-04:00Small Business|

Stop Looking for Business Secrets

The Internet presents a huge opportunity to share ideas and learn from the masters. Unfortunately, it has also given us a TON of snake oil salespeople. You know what I mean; Learn the 7 Secrets That Will Transform Your Business Overnight or Four Marketing Tricks That Will Increase Your Sales Ten Fold. Yes, those headlines are compelling and get clicked [...]

2021-06-21T10:58:10-04:00Small Business|

The Value to Dollar Equation Has Changed

The ratio of perceived value to dollars paid in every aspect of the world of business has changed. Consumers and vendors alike are looking for extreme value for every dollar they spend on a product or service. You see this challenge everywhere, with the huge discounts offered and even free giveaways to entice you into dealing with their company. This [...]

Small Business Owners: Don’t Be A Lemming!

Tough economic times require decisions that are as unique as your business. Why then, are so many independent business owners following the pack and taking action that could significantly hurt, if not kill, their business going forward? Re-think the lay-offs. Think about it: If other companies are reducing their workforce; they are, in effect, backing out of the marketplace: They [...]

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